Café VEF

What is Café VEF all about?
Come in, get a cup of coffee and a snack, and pull up a chair. Café VEF is a contemporary worship service that focuses on interaction and building community. At Café VEF we combine traditional elements of a worship service with interactive elements similar to cell groups. The service begins with an ice breaker question before we have our call to worship and worship in song. We have “gap time” prior to the message, where those gathered will actively engage in community worship through different activities such as focused prayer for specific needs, testimonies, or topical teaching.
During the sermon, those sitting at tables are invited to participate openly through asking clarifying questions when the need arises. Understanding is enhanced by in-sermon dialogue.
After the message is delivered and the benediction given, attendees are invited to stay for a time of guided discussion and closing prayer. Each table has a “discussion facilitator,” who will use provided materials to help enhance understanding and growth—both spiritually and in community.
Café VEF—Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, and Friendship.
We pray that you will be blessed in the service
—Pastors Tom Curry and John Olson