

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Bible to be taken literally? 

We believe the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are to be taken literally and believed, and yes that includes miracles and supernatural occurrences. All our pastors and ministers have a “high” view of the Scriptures and regularly study and offer counsel based upon Biblical truth and a Biblical worldview. 

What does the church offer for children? 

We have Sunday School classes during the regular school year for ages 4 to 13 during the morning worship service. In addition to learning about God and Jesus and the Bible, the classes and church fellowship provide a forum for children to make friends with other English-speaking children from Christian families from different countries. 

During August, we have a 3-day Vacation Bible School. 

The worship services during the summer provide an opportunity for parents to acquaint their children to worship, which sets the stage for worship attendance later on in life. 

What does the church offer for youth? 

Our youth program is a weekly fellowship on Friday evenings. Mimi and Ethan are our youth directors. Pastor Luke gives pastoral direction to the program. The goal for the program is to provide a place for teens to make friends with other Christian teens and to learn more about faith development. 

What does the church teach as to baptism of adults and infants? 

Our fellowship consists of about 250 people from 20 different countries and many types of church groups and denominations who all believe and teach a variety of baptismal practices. We seek to do our very best in being faithful to the Scriptures, given so many views of baptism, all claiming to be “biblical”. We want to honor the belief of the person‘s home church/denomination or the individual’s belief. People attending our services will from time to time see an infant baptized and will also see adults of all ages baptized. 

Why does the church worship on Sunday rather than on Saturday? 

The vast majority of Christians, pastors, Bible scholars, and theologians over 2,000 years of history have understood Sunday to be the preferred day of worship for Christians. If we only had the Old Testament and felt bound by a legalistic approach to Old Testament Law, we would worship on the Jewish Sabbath, which is Saturday. In the book of Acts and other New Testament books, we find evidence for the early church gathering on the day Jesus rose from the dead, the “first day of the week”, to celebrate his resurrection and to worship. 

What is the eternal state of people who have never heard the Gospel and have died?

There are several Bible verses to support the case for innocence – the words of Jesus in John 9:41 and 15:22; and the words of Paul in Romans 4:15 & 5:13 and I Timothy 1:13. Paul does argue that no one is without excuse in Romans 1:20. This has been somewhat of a controversial subject among those who believe the Bible cover-to-cover. Many believe unless once has accepted Jesus as Savior, one will be eternally damned, even if he has never heard the name of Jesus. It is hard to accept that knowing that God is just and that we have the above verses in the Bible to consider. Many missionaries are not motivated by thinking all these people who have never been given the chance to believe are going to hell but instead are motivated by knowing God loves all people – Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, and Muslims – and wants them to hear the greatest story ever told – the salvation story of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. It is Biblically clear that once a person has heard the gospel and rejected Jesus, he will face the wrath of God. 

When a Christian dies, does his/her soul go directly to be with Jesus or to some other place of waiting?

There are Bible verses that would lead people to believe the Christian will only be raised from the dead upon the return of Jesus. There are many other verses that clearly indicate the Christian goes immediately to be with Jesus. The Bible does not speak of a “holding place” called Purgatory. 

What is the role of women at the church? 

Our hope is that all believers will offer their time, talent, and resources to God for his glory. VEF seeks to be a place for this to happen. Though our staff and leadership are all male, we don’t have a policy excluding women from leadership. Our parent denomination, the Lutheran Brethren Church of Taiwan does not ordain women. 

Does the church teach or practice speaking in tongues? 

Speaking in tongues is not encouraged from the pulpit, nor is it discouraged, especially as to one’s own prayer life.  We do believe and celebrate spiritual gifts and very much seek the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, though our worship gatherings are not usually a place where one would hear nor practice ecstatic utterances. 

What does the church teach about suffering and sickness? 

Our world is broken and so are we. Christians are not exempt from suffering, accidents, and medical conditions. Sickness and natural death are the results of the fall of mankind, as evidenced in the first few chapters of Genesis. Healing and casting out demons was a huge part of Jesus’ ministry and thus healing ministries and deliverance ministries have continued to be a big part of the church’s ministry throughout her history. Modern medical care is a gift to the world that has come about through the church. Prayer and anointing of oil are offered to all those who request it at our services. In the name of Jesus, we seek health and wholeness. 

What does the church practice concerning membership? 

Our people can join Victory Church upon evidence of saving faith, baptism, and being in agreement with our statement of belief – the Apostles Creed. Membership is not required for active involvement. 

How is the church governed? 

Victory Church governed by a board of Deacons and Elders. Victory English Fellowship is a ministry of Victory Church and is accountable to its boards. VEF has Co-workers – four men who, along with our staff,  give oversight to the ministry. 

What denomination is the church? 

Victory English Fellowship is a congregation of people from many different countries, churches and denominations. We are truly an international fellowship which is a ministry of Victory Chinese Lutheran Brethren Church. We greatly respect and honor the Lutheran Brethren denomination while seeking to uphold the basic doctrines of historical Christianity and to respect the beliefs and traditions of our people’s home churches.